SynBio Canada



Upcoming webinars

Made in Canada : New strategies for strengthening the Canadian Bioeconomy

FRIDAY MARCH 28TH 2025, 12:00-1:30 EST

Join us on a lively discussion as we dive into the challenges and opportunities in building a resilient and thriving Canadian bioeconomy.

Dr. Scott Pownall (President, Co-Founder of Open Science Network Society)

Dr. Benjamin Scott (Platform Lead at the Global Institute for Food Security)

Previous Webinars

Synthetic Biology in Canadian Agriculture

Wednesday August 24 2022, 16:00-17:30 EST

Learn all about how synbio is used to make more sustainable products in the agroindustry from Canadian experts in the field:

Jennifer Côté (CEO, Co-Founder of Opalia Foods - Montreal, QC)

Matt Anderson-Baron (CEO, Founder of Future Fields - Edmonton, AB)

Fei Luo (CEO, Co-Founder of Liven Proteins - Toronto, ON)

Engineering Microbiomes for Human Health

Thursday July 27 2021, 13:00-14:00 EST

The microbiome is incredibly important for human health and imbalances have been linked to a variety of diseases. Modulating the organisms and populations that comprise our microbiome offers a new era of therapeutic applications. Join us at our webinar to hear from the following speakers:

Kyle Jackson (PhD student, McMaster University) - Engineering the Gut: Using Viruses to Target Bacterial Populations

Dr. Benjamin Scott (Advisor, Business Development and Partnerships Engagement, Concordia University Genome Foundry) - Self-Tunable Engineered Yeast Probiotics for the Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Intro to Surface Plasmon Resonance

WEDNESDAY MAY 12 2021, 13:00-14:00 EST

Dr. April Wong, Application Scientist, Affinité Instruments: An introduction to surface plasmon resonance (SPR).

Join us for a special webinar presented by Dr. April Wong, an application scientist from SPR is a versatile tool to obtain valuable quantitative data in real time to assess and compare different protein variants and their efficiency at binding to target molecules. Doing so will allow for the optimization of synthetic biological pathways in engineered cells to manufacture products with targeted characteristics. 

Minimal Genomes

TUESDAY, APRIL 27 2021, 13:00-14:00 EST

Learn all about what minimal genomes are, how they're designed, and their potential to revolutionize synthetic biology. 

Nicole LeBlanc, MSc student, University of Waterloo, Trevor Charles' lab Introduction: Recent advances and applications of minimal genomes 

Dr. Sébastien Rodrigue (Professor, University of Sherbrooke) Highlights from his lab's research into minimal genomes 

Agri-Food Applications

Tuesday, March 23 2021, 13:00-14:00 EST

Dr. Stuart Smyth, Associate Professor University of Saskatchewan, Industry Funded Research Chair in Agri-Food Innovation The Role of Synthetic Biology and Digital Sequence Information for Agriculture Sustainability and Improved Food Security

Serge Nouemssi, PhD Candidate Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Member of Center SÈVE  International Partnership Committee (CSIPC) Production of Bioactives Molecules in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Related Challenges


TUESDAY, February 23 2021, 13:00-14:00 EST

Emily Hicks, President and Co-Founder, FREDsense

Canadian Synthetic Biology Approaches to COVID

Tuesday, January 26 2021, 13:00-14:00 EST

Dr. Eric Marcusson, Co-Founder and CSO, Providence Therapeutics. From Cancer to COVID: mRNA vaccines made in Canada

Dr. Samuel Slattery, Postdoctoral Researcher, Western University. Algal Cell Factories Producing Viral Antigens

Biodigital Convergence Webinar Series

Policy Horizons Canada, in collaboration with SynBio Canada, hosted a webinar series in 2020-2021 on the convergence of biological and digital systems. The webinars provided an overview of disruptive innovations in the field of biodigital, and explore their potential implications.

Webinar series

Biodigital Today and Tomorrow report